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Overview and Trend Prospect of the Development of China's Electroplating Industry

2019-07-29 2285

Modern electrochemistry was invented by Italian chemist Luigi V. Brugnatelli in 1805. Brugnatelli used an invention of his colleague Alessandro Volta five years ago to make his first electrodeposition using electrodes. But Brugnatelli's invention was suppressed by the French Academy of Sciences and was not used in general industry for the next 30 years.

Hunan Chuanglin New Material Technology Co., Ltd.

Address:No.1 Chuanglin Road,Wantang Industrial Park,Lukou District,Zhuzhou Hunan Province Telephone:0731-27288889 Email:hnzzcl168@126.com
Consultation Hotline

0731-27288889 0731-27288218 13307337885 18890221062

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